
Join the Frivolous Views Community for Exclusive Content on YouTube and Patreon

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

I have been busy with various projects and responsibilities, so I didn’t have much time to read and review.

However, that has changed. I am back to reading and reviewing. AND I am expanding. I have decided to branch out to YouTube and Patreon.

I have found that it is much easier to do my reviews in video format rather than writing. I’m getting old, and my joints don’t enjoy typing like they used to. I find it easier to talk into a webcam. Plus, I can do more than just reviews.

What does that mean?

Well, in addition to reviews, I am going to give readings from books and chat with other folks (authors, readers, publishers, etc.). The readings and chats will be exclusive to Patreon. Patrons will also get early access to reviews—probably a week before they go to YouTube. I hope to eventually offer additional perks to Patrons. It will all depend on how the community grows.

I want it to be a community, not just about me. I want Patrons to participate in discussions and, when possible, propose questions to ask in the chats. In the future, I’d like to invite guest speakers to offer some fun, informative, educational content.

Perhaps one day we can expand even more and have a monthly book club or movie watch parties on Patreon.

I’m down for fun! And I would love for you to join me. Scan or click the images below to visit my YouTube and Patreon channels.

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